Using Genie with a Questionnaire

By default, Dubsado Questionnaire templates are private, meaning they cannot be viewed as a public-facing form unless added to a project. Since Genie 4.0 requires public-facing forms, simply opening your questionnaire in a new tab will result in a blank page. To resolve this, we recommend creating a test project called “Genie Templates.” This project can store all your templates (excluding Lead Capture forms, as Dubsado does not allow these to be added to projects).

Steps to Use Genie with a Questionnaire

Regardless of your approach, a project is needed to view your questionnaire as a public-facing form and use Genie on it.

  1. Create a Test Project:
    • Create a project named “Genie Templates” to store your templates (except Lead Capture forms).
  2. Duplicate Your Proposal Form:
  3. Convert Proposal to Questionnaire:
    • In your template page, drag the duplicate Proposal form into the Questionnaires section to turn it into a Questionnaire.
  4. Add Questionnaire to Your Test Project:
    • Go to the Genie Templates project, click the Forms tab, and add the new questionnaire.
    • Click Edit, then follow the instructions to open the questionnaire in a public-facing window.
  5. Edit and Save the Questionnaire:
    • After publishing the questionnaire and adding your magic to the Initial Script HTML block, click Save form > Save as template to save it to your Templates > Forms > Questionnaire section.
    • Leave the questionnaire in the Genie Templates project for easy reference.

By following these steps, you'll be able to view and use your questionnaire with Genie 4.0 successfully.

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